Friday, July 15, 2011

SHINee Quotes [PART 2]

 Sorry guys i never to share the SHINee Quotes Part 2 i'm forget ^^. Okay this is SHINee Quotes Part 2 guys, hope enjoy to read this Quotes Part 2 (^.^)

SHINee Quotes [PART 2]:

  1. Key, "I liked the story of Rapunzel when I was a kid."
  2. "First, there are really many things that we can learn."-Taemin
  3. "Never forget to smile."-Taemin 
  4. Onew, "All chicken should be eaten!"
  5. I want to have a son who looks exactly like me. -Key  
  6. I think everyone in this world must be loved! -Taemin
  7. Onew: 'I like smoked chicken, fried chicken, baked chicken, boiled chicken "
  8. Key, "If I was afraid I'd hit something."
  9. (Onew) Fan: "I'm right behind you ... ... ...." Onew: "Behind me is the wall"    
  10. (Minho) "I shall speak for more than a minute? What can I say? One minute too long! "
  11. “I’m smiling for you,” -Key
  12. (Onew) "Minho looks like the main Character of a manga."   
  13. (Minho) "Don't forget that all of you always shine in the SHINee's hearts ..." 
  14. (Jonghyun) "Honest! I don't know how to ride a bike. " 
  15. (Onew) Question: "What part of your body is the most favored?"
    Answer: 'Eyebrows! "
  16.  (Key) "I want to try to be calm like Minho but I CAN'T .." 
  17. (Key) "I think I'm the prettiest."
  18. (Onew) "Minho's voice is so low that I thought the sound was coming from the soles of his feet."
  19. Fan: "Kim Jonghyun Babo '
    Jonghyun: "You too"
  20. "Wingardium Leviosa!" -JONGHYUN 
  21. "Minho hyung, please love me even more." -TAEMIN
  22. "Hello, I am SHINee's youngest member! No, Leader Taemin here!" - Taemin
  23. "I want to go to the restroom. I don’t want to go alone. Hyung, let’s go together. *Drags Onew*" -Key
  24. "Oh no! Mathematics?" - Jonghyun.
  25. “I like a girl who has pretty voice and hands.” -Onew
  26. "I still can't believe we're in our 3rd year. There are so many new things here and there" - Taemin  
  27. "We may not have very well toned muscles, but we do have a few kinds of manly charms." - Jonghyun
  28. "I love you SHINee, you jerks." ~ JONGHYUN
  29. "Our fans are the rice and SHINee is the irreplaceable existence." ~ TAEMIN
  30. "When something is hard, smiling helps us in the end, and it becomes fun." ~ TAEMIN
  31. "Go to school, study hard, then come back." ~ KEY
  32. "Why are you so pretty? I can't forgive your beauty!" ~ KEY
  33. "Appa is also Key, umma is also Key." ~ KEY
  34. "We have to use the dragon's power to save Taemin!" ~ MINHO
  35. "I want to become the SHINee that will exist in your hearts and be remembered forever." ~ ONEW
  36. "Talk to my body." ~ ONEW
  37. "Should we just decieve everyone and debut as a girl group?" ~ KEY
  38. "If I become class president, I'll kiss all of you..." ~ MINHO             


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